Open Feedback

A free and open source feedback tool

Last updated: October 31, 2012

Open Feedback is a project I started to help me better collect bug fixes, feature requests and general comments for other projects I work on. I considered using some of the other tools available out there, but found the better ones cost unjustifiable monthly fees and the free ones were not really what I was after.

So here we are, I spent a week cobbling together this little web app that you can install to your server and add to any of your projects. It’s far from a polished product but it certainly does the job.

The Open Feedback popup. A screenshot of the Open Feedback dashboard. Showing some example feedback.

As I assume there are lot of developers in the same position I was, I have decided to put the project up on Github at some point in the next couple of weeks so that you can download it, fork it, and contribute to it.

More information coming soon!