Tally ho, pip pip, and Bernard's your uncle.

Posted on June 23, 2011 in The Web.

Okay I have finally accepted that my website is not going to be ready anytime soon, and have opted instead for a ready-rolled WordPress theme. I have spent days looking for a great theme, I've searched high and low, travelled the world (wide web) and installed things that would make grown men cry.

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The first ever Mighty Meetup

Posted on January 03, 2011 in The Web, Meetups.

Our first ever Mighty Meetup has happened. It has taken a little bit of work to put together, but has been worth every second.

For those of you who don't know, Mighty Meetups are a new monthly mini conference (with beer). This month we had four speakers to discuss a variety of things based around the web or digital media.

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