Create New File in Finder for Alfred 2.0

Alfred 2.0 has been written from the ground up and is a vast improvement on the original. As well as a number of other changes, the new Workflows are now more powerful than previous Alfred Extensions. However, old extensions are no longer supported and must be re-written to work with the new system.
I'll be releasing a number of new Alfred Workflows in the near future, but I've started by re-writing the Create New File extension I released last year. Once again I'd like to thank Chris Kalafarski (farski) for improving the first ever version of my script. Thanks to George for adding a critical update to prevent overwriting existing files.
Download the new Alfred Workflow below.
downloadfolder Download v3.1 - 7.58 KB
How to use this Workflow
For help please click here. I'll update this help page specifically for the new Workflow soon.
I have also added a hotkey option. You can specify the hotkey from your Alfred Workflow window (I find CTRL + ALT + N works quite nicely).
If you have any questions or comments please let me know, and I'll be happy to help.